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Auto-Compress Images

Zipic Pro users can enable directory monitoring for auto-compression in the Pro settings, streamlining their workflow. This is also a way to integrate Zipic’s capabilities.

Steps to Follow

Setting it up is straightforward. Just add a directory in SettingsPro SettingsAuto-Compression, and configure the compression options.

  1. Go to SettingsPro SettingsAuto-Compression and click Add Monitoring Directory.

  2. Select the directory you want to monitor in the pop-up dialog.

  3. Click the Compression Options button to set your preferred compression settings.

Example Usage

If your workflow involves continuously saving images to a specific directory, you can add that directory to the monitored list, and Zipic will automatically compress the images.

For instance, in a CleanShot X workflow, I want Zipic to automatically convert screenshots saved to a designated directory into the webp format with level 3 compression. The following video demonstrates the steps:

The video showcases the following steps:

  1. Show how to set the screenshot save directory in CleanShot X.
  2. In Zipic, go to SettingsPro SettingsAuto-Compression and click Add Monitoring Directory.
  3. Select the directory you want to monitor in the pop-up dialog and click Select (Zipic starts monitoring immediately).
  4. Click the Compression Options button, set Compression Level to Level 3, and Save Format to webp.
  5. Test by pressing the shortcut ^ + ⇧ + 3 for a desktop screenshot. Zipic automatically compresses the screenshot into the webp format with a compression ratio of 97%.