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Basic Image Compression

Zipic supports compressing multiple images and all images in specified folders. Currently supported formats include JPEG, PNG, WebP, GIF, HEIC, AVIF, TIFF, ICNS, with more formats planned.

General Steps

Follow these steps to compress images with Zipic:

  1. Set compression options: This step can be skipped if you want to use the last saved settings.
  2. Choose compression method: Select a method to start compression.
  3. View compression results: Check the results in the history list. Click the thumbnail to see a comparison preview. If unsatisfied, repeat steps 1 and 2.

Compression Options

Click the Compression Settings button at the bottom left of the main window to open the compression options window.

In this window, you can set four groups of compression options:

Compression Level

Set a reasonable compression level to balance image size and quality. We recommend level 2 or 3. Higher levels mean lower quality but smaller size.

Save To

Configure where to save the compressed images, whether replacing the original, saving to a specified directory, or adding a suffix. See Save Options for details.

Save Format

Set the target format for compression. Supports converting to JPEG, WebP, HEIC while compressing. See Compression Formats for details.


Set the target size for compressed images. By default, the original aspect ratio is maintained. Setting width will auto-adjust height and vice versa. See Resizing Images for details.

Compression Methods

Zipic offers several ways to compress images:

Drag and Drop

Drag images or folders into the Zipic main window to compress them. Recommended

Raycast Extension

Use the Raycast extension to compress selected images or folders in Finder. Recommended

Main Window Button

Use the main window button to select images or folders for compression.

Menu Bar Button

Use the menu bar button to select images or folders for compression.

Finder Context Menu

Select Zipic from the Finder context menu to compress images.


Use Zipic’s URLScheme interface for compression. Shortcut Worth Trying

Drag and Drop

Open the main window and drag images or folders from Finder or the desktop into it to compress.

Raycast Extension

See the article Using Raycast Extension for Image Compression.

Main Window Button

Click the Open Images button at the top left of the main window to select images for compression. Supports multiple images and directories.

Click the File menu in the menu bar and select Open Images to choose images for compression. Supports multiple images and directories. Pressing ⌘ + O also opens the selection window.

Finder Context Menu

This method supports selecting a single image. In Finder, right-click the image, choose Open With, and select Zipic to compress.


See Integrating Zipic Capabilities.

Post-Compression Actions

After compression, the main window displays the compression records, including image thumbnails, names, sizes before and after compression, status, and compression ratio.

View Compression Results

After compression, check if the results are satisfactory.

Comparison Preview

Click the thumbnail to view the compression effects in the comparison preview window.

Open in Finder

You can also open Finder to preview the compressed images using macOS Quick Look.

Copy Images

Copy Button

Click the Copy Image button in the compression record to copy the image or path information.

Drag and Drop

Each compression record in the main window can be dragged to any window that accepts images, like a note window or Finder window, equivalent to a quick copy action.

Clear Compression History

While Zipic does not persist compression records, we provide options to clear individual or all records for better user experience.

Clear Single Record

Click the Delete button at the right end of the compression record to delete the current record.

Clear All Records

Click the Clear All Records button in the sidebar of the main window, then confirm in the popup to delete all compression records.